If you wish to participate in water auction and sales within in the Macalister Irrigation District visit our trading platform.
MID permanent water share sale 2024-25
In line with our commitment, we will sell 1,000 ML of high reliability and 441 ML low reliability water shares this financial year and for the next three years.
The water shares we will sell this financial year will be sold as lots via an online auction on Wednesday, 2 April 2025 between 9am and 12:30pm on Southern Rural Water Exchange.
Anyone with an allocation bank account (ABA) can take part in this auction. We would encourage those who have access to use the water in the Macalister Irrigation District network to bid at auction.
Southern Rural Water will set a reserve price, thereafter the market will decide the price.
These shares will be sold without allocation for the 2024-25 season. The first allocation announcement will happen on 1 July 2025.
Water shares transfer will happen after we receive full payment of purchased water shares.
Buyers must register on the exchange trading platform before the auction.
What is being sold?
Southern Rural Water will sell 1,000 ML of high reliability and 441 ML low reliability water shares within the Macalister Irrigation District system this financial year.
These lots will then be converted and issued to successful bidders. These shares are sold with no 2024-25 Allocation. Water shares transfer will happen after we receive full payment of purchased water shares.
How has this water become available?
We’ve invested heavily in modernising the Macalister Irrigation District over the last decade, replacing leaking, open channels with modern pipeline and water infrastructure.
As part of Phase 1A of our modernisation program we constructed the Willang Yarn balancing storage in Denison, upgraded regulators in the Nambrok-Denison supply system and upgraded most eastern system channels and all Heyfield channels.
This modernisation generated 4,485 megalitres of long-term average annual yield water savings from Phase 1A of the Macalister Irrigation District 2030 modernisation project.
These water savings will be issued as 3,878 ML of high-reliability water shares and 1,710 ML low-reliability water shares.
Proceeds of the water sales sold will go towards funding the modernisation works that have already been completed.
When will the water sale take place?
The water sale will take place on Wednesday, 2 April 2025 between 9am and 12:30pm and run as an online auction on Southern Rural Water Exchange.
Why are you selling this water?
In our Price Submission 2023, we committed to selling 1,000 megalitres per year in the Macalister Irrigation District with the proceeds of the sale used to fund modernisation works already completed. This was approved by the Essential Services Commission.
In line with our commitment, we will sell 1,000 ML of high reliability and 441 ML low reliability water shares this financial year and for the next three years.
When will my allocation be available for use?
These shares are not sold with 2024-25 allocation. The first allocation announcement for these shares will happen on 1 July 2025.
Who can participate in the water sale?
Anyone with an allocation bank account (ABA) can take part in this auction. We would encourage those who have access to use the water in the Macalister Irrigation District to bid at auction. Auction lots will be subject to terms and conditions that can be found on the Southern Rural Water Exchange website.
Will the available water come with a delivery share?
No. Delivery shares are not part of the offer. If customers require delivery shares, they will need to access these separately.
How can I take part in the water sale?
Full details about this water sale are available at Southern Rural Water. Eligible buyers can take part in the online auction by visiting Southern Rural Water Exchange and registering.
How many lots are being sold?
We are selling the water shares over 21 lots in a variety of water share volumes to suit different buyer needs. These include only high reliability shares and low reliability shares, and lots of combined shares. Full details can be found on Southern Rural Water Exchange website.
What is the expected megalitre price?
We will set a reserve price to apply on a per megalitre basis, thereafter the market will decide the price. Southern Rural Water is not able to provide an estimate of the expected price. Prospective applicants are encouraged to conduct their own research prior to the sale.
What are the auction fees?
Buyer fees will be applicable, and a fee schedule can be found on the Southern Rural Water Exchange website.
How do I pay for the water?
If successful, a deposit of 10 percent is taken on the day of the auction with the balance payable within seven days of the auction. Payments will be taken via the Southern Rural Water Exchange and facilitated by Water Partners Australia. Southern Rural Water will then process the transfer of water shares.
What provisions are available for those who don’t have online access?
This auction will be held on a dedicated online trading platform. If you don’t have online access and require assistance to participate you reach out to Water Partners at 03 5853 2333 in advance of the auction to make suitable arrangements.
If there is water that is not sold at the auction, what happens to it?
Water that is not sold will be available for purchase on the Southern Rural Water Exchange platform. The price will be set at the highest price paid per megalitre at the Wednesday, 2 April auction.
Why will Newry Creek Section 51 customers have the option to access additional water after the sale?
Before we constructed the Newry Pipeline, Newry Creek functioned as an irrigation drain with flows contributed from catchment runoff, irrigation drainage and channel outfalls. Some irrigators set up parts of their property, not on the irrigation channel supply, to take water from the Newry Creek.
Prior to construction of the pipeline, concerns were raised by customers that Newry Creek flows would dimmish, impacting environment, private bores, and irrigation once channel outfalls were removed and pipeline was laid. Southern Rural Water investigated the impacts to streamflows and bores and found that adverse impacts from the loss of irrigation drainage and channel outfalls was unlikely to have an adverse impact on existing users.
Based on customer concerns, Southern Rural Water committed to set aside water shares from the water savings generated by modernisation to allow customers to transition to the pipeline should it be required.
How much water has been set aside?
Newry Creek customers will have an opportunity to purchase Macalister Irrigation District water, up to their Section 51 licence water cap. In total 750 ML of high reliability water shares and 331 low reliability shares will be available exclusively to Newry Creek customers, which will be held for three years.
How will Newry customers access this water?
Newry Irrigators will have an opportunity to purchase Macalister Irrigation District water, up to their Section 51 licence water cap. In total 750 ML of high reliability water shares and 331 low reliability shares will be available exclusively to Newry Creek customers, which will be held for three years.
How long is the offer available to Newry Creek Section 51 licence holders?
This offer is available for four years from Sunday, 30 June 2024. The water shares will not be available at the current shelf price 14 days before each scheduled auction.
Water sales
From time to time, SRW is able to offer additional water for sale from its storages or through groundwater and surface water opportunities.
Opportunities to acquire new water entitlements
SRW is able to offer additional water for sale through two main sources:
- SRW is achieving water savings from the modernisation of its districts. Some of these savings are made available to customers as either temporary allocations or permanent water shares.
- New groundwater or surface water entitlements are available where the current licensed volume is lower than the specified limit.
The preferred government policy is to release this water via a sales process, to ensure equity. In the case of new groundwater and surface water entitlements, the sale process is usually preceded by an application process to determine the level of demand.
The water is typically sold via an auction, although sometimes water is placed ‘on-the-shelf (i.e. customers can apply for it at a predetermined fixed rate or ‘reserve’ price). Water not sold at auction is typically placed ‘on-the-shelf.’
The following principles guide the sales process:
- Maximise availability: we will make water available as soon as possible, having regard to ease of provision and market conditions. This may involve a series of permanent (share) sales and temporary (allocation) sales in order to put the water into production.
- Maximise the uptake: we seek to maximise the uptake by promoting sales and encouraging customer participation.
- Fair market price: water will be sold at a fair price, having regard to the costs associated in making the water available (e.g. cost associated with resource appraisals, validations and the sales process) and prevailing market conditions.
- Fair and open process: we seek to sell the majority of the water via an open and competitive process (e.g. auction or tender), albeit with the ability to reserve some water for ‘off the shelf sales’.
Each year SRW publishes an annual water sales plan.
The volume of water offered varies from year to year and is dependent on a range of factors, including the volume of savings achieved through modernisation, the results of resources assessments and the outcomes of sales from the preceding year.
Irrigation Districts
Source | Potential pool (water savings ML) | Notes* |
2023-24 Volume (ML) |
Macalister Irrigation District | 22,000 |
Sales proposed for 2023-2024, contingent on Minister’s approval. Future sales pool from balance of phase 1A (2,000ML), phase 1B (10,000ML) and phase 2 (10,000ML). Changes to State policy on unallocated water could affect the sales pool. This forecast is consistent with our Price Submission of annual sales of 1,000ML in the MID. Demand assessments from existing customers will also inform potential for expansion into other areas (Southern Victoria irrigation Development investigation for the Avon area). |
1,000 |
Werribee Irrigation District | Nil | ||
Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District | Nil |
*The volumes in the tables for the irrigation districts are gross volumes of water savings. The net volume may vary subject to audits and mitigation water requirements. High and low reliability water shares are issued from the water savings at the Minister’s discretion.
The timing of sales is not definite as they are contingent on the Minister’s approval and any conditions e.g. requirements to consult with customers and stakeholders such as traditional owners, and DEECA’s resources to process water savings approvals.
Groundwater and surface water
Higher priority sales
Source | Potential pool (ML) | Notes* |
2023-24 Volume (ML) |
Boneo (LT aquifer) | 800 | Application pending. This sale is complex due to VCAT decisions, pending release of Geothermal licensing guidelines by the Minister and changes to the permissible consumptive volume order. | 800 |
Frankston (UT aquifer) | 994 | Application pending. | 994 |
Bass River | 300 | Application pending. | 300 |
Franklin River | 300 | Application pending. | 300 |
Albert River | 300 | Application pending. | 300 |
Powlett River | 500 | Application pending. | 500 |
Surrey River | 500 | Application pending. | 500 |
Shaw/Eumeralla Rivers | 500 | Application pending. | 500 |
Small coastal catchments of the Portland Coast Basin | 1,800 | 300ML in each of the six small coastal catchments between the Eumeralla River and Darlots Creek, and around Portland and Cape Bridgewater. Applications pending. | 1,800 |
Gellibrand River | 1,000 | Customer interest received. | 1,000 |
*All require demand assessments and traditional owner assessments before proceeding
Lower priority sales
There are several rivers with small volumes available. The intention is to treat these as secondary areas with demand investigations to be progressively undertaken from 2023 to 2025. In the interim, any applications will be treated on their merits.
Source | ML |
Eumerall to Darlots | 1,800 |
Johanna, Milanesia & Brown Ck | 300 |
Aire River | 300 |
Parker to Skenes River | 300 |
Tambryn to Aireys Inlet | 90 |
Lake Colac | 2,852 |
Hopkins Basin coast | 680 |
Curdies River and the Port Campbell area | 50 |
Merri River | 80 |
Two coastal areas of the Hopkins Basin (Buckley Creek, Nullawarre, and South of Tower Hill Lake) | 680 |
Ten Mile Ck | 300 |
Dividing Ck | 300 |
Nine Mile & Shady Ck | 300 |
Other catchments where water is still available under the SDL | 500 |
South Gippsland Basin Coast | 501 |
Genoa River | 500 |
Cann River | 500 |
Other East Gippsland catchments | 500 |
Private trades
If you need more water, or have spare water, you can seek to buy and sell (or trade, lease or temporarily transfer) water from other SRW customers in your irrigation district, system or zone.
Previous auction results
Water auctions are becoming more common across Southern Rural Water and can be a good way to gain access to extra water either for production or security.
See below for previous water auction results
Please refer to Water trading for more details.
Previous water auction results
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) seasonal allocation auction – 5 March 2025
The final supplementary seasonal allocation in the Macalister Irrigation District was conducted via the Southern Rural Water Exchange, hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 750 megalitres (ML) of 2024-25 seasonal allocation were offered across nine parcels, with parcel sizes ranging from 50 ML to 100 ML. 200 ML of the 750ML available was successfully sold, with the average winning bids of $14 per ML.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) seasonal allocation auction – 26 February 2025
The sixth of six online auctions of seasonal allocation in the Macalister Irrigation District was conducted via the Southern Rural Water Exchange, hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 475 megalitres (ML) of 2024-25 seasonal allocation were offered across six parcels, with parcel sizes ranging from 50 ML to 100 ML. 50 ML of the 475ML available was successfully sold, with the winning bid of $22 per ML. The unsold parcels with a total volume of 425 ML will be offered in the supplementary auction on Wednesday, 5 March 2025.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) seasonal allocation auction – 12 February 2025
The fifth of six online auctions of seasonal allocation in the Macalister Irrigation District was conducted via the Southern Rural Water Exchange, hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 475 megalitres (ML) of 2024-25 seasonal allocation were offered across six parcels, with parcel sizes ranging from 50 ML to 100 ML. 225 ML of the 475ML available were successfully sold, with winning bids ranging from $14 to $15 per ML, with an average of $14 per ML. The unsold parcels with a total volume of 250 ML will be offered in the supplementary auction on Wednesday, 5 March 2025.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) seasonal allocation auction - 29 January 2025
The fourth of six online auctions of seasonal allocation in the Macalister Irrigation District was conducted via the Southern Rural Water Exchange, hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 475 megalitres (ML) of 2024-25 seasonal allocation were offered across six parcels, with parcel sizes ranging from 50 ML to 100 ML. 400 ML of the 475ML available were successfully sold, with winning bids ranging from $148 to $180 per ML, with an average of $162 per ML. The unsold parcel for 75 ML will be offered in the supplementary auction on Wednesday, 5 March 2025.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) seasonal allocation auction - 8 January 2025
The third of six online auctions of seasonal allocation in the Macalister Irrigation District was conducted via the Southern Rural Water Exchange, hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 475 megalitres (ML) of 2024-25 seasonal allocation were offered across six parcels, with parcel sizes ranging from 50 ML to 100 ML. All parcels were sold, with winning bids ranging from $173 to $205 per ML, with an average of $189 per ML.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) seasonal allocation auction - 11 December 2024
The second of six online auctions of seasonal allocation in the Macalister Irrigation District was conducted via the Southern Rural Water Exchange, hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 475 megalitres (ML) of 2024-25 seasonal allocation were offered across six parcels, with parcel sizes ranging from 50 ML to 100 ML. All parcels were sold, with winning bids ranging from $160 to $175 per ML, with an average of $168 per ML.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) seasonal allocation auction - 27 November 2024
The first of six online auctions of seasonal allocation in the Macalister Irrigation District was conducted via the Southern Rural Water Exchange, hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 522 megalitres (ML) of 2024-25 seasonal allocation were offered across seven parcels, with parcel sizes ranging from 47 ML to 100 ML. All parcels were sold, with winning bids ranging from $161 to $168 per ML, with an average of $165 per ML.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) permanent water share auction - 26 June 2024
An annual auction of permanent water shares in the Macalister Irrigation District (MID) was conducted online Wednesday 26 June 2024, via the Southern Rural Water Exchange hosted by Water Partners.
A total of 1,000 megalitres (ML) high reliability water shares and 441 ML low reliability water shares were offered across 21 lots, with allocation from the beginning of the 2024-25 season.
There were 28 unique bidders who participated in the online auction with the following results:
- Winning bids ranged from $1,275 to $1,623 per megalitre for the 50% high and 50% low reliability bundled lots, with an average of $1,480 per megalitre.
- The lots comprising only high reliability shares sold between $3,035 to $3,455 per megalitre, with an average of $3,326 per megalitre.
- The lots comprising only low reliability shares sold between $133 to $275 per megalitre, with an average of $183 per megalitre.
Mitchell River winterfill water auction – 7 Dec 2023
An auction of take and use licences (under section 51) for the remaining 2,000 of unallocated Mitchell River winterfill was opened for 14 eligible bidders who registered via the expression of interest which closed 25 July 2023. The auction took place online on Thursday 7 December 2023.
A total volume of 2,000 megalitres (ML) was offered in 22 lots, ranging in volume from 25ML to 250ML. 14 of the 22 lots reached their reserve and were sold. Winning bids ranged from $630 to $690 per ML. The average price was $651 per ML.
The unsold lots were made available via the Southern Rural Water Exchange for application at the maximum auction price per ML of $690 per ML. All available lots are now accounted for, and no additional water is available in the Mitchell River catchment.
Mitchell River winterfill water auction - 14 May 2021
An auction of take and use licences (under section 51) for unallocated Mitchell River winterfill was opened on Wednesday 5 May 2021, for 24 eligible bidders. The auction was completed over three days from 12-14 May.
A total volume of 1,990 megalitres (ML) was offered in 36 lots, ranging in volume from 30ML to 100ML. All lots had multiple bidders and were sold. Winning bids ranged from $630 to $841 per ML. The average price was $733 per ML.
A total of 10 ML was made available for eligible stock and domestic applicants prior to the auction.
Latrobe River temporary water sale - 27 November 2020
In November, tenders were called for 800ML of temporary water from the Blue Rock Drought Reserve. The water was made available for sale by tender to customers on the Latrobe River system. One lot of 50ML sold for $40 per megalitre.
Macalister Irrigation District (MID) permanent water share auction - 3 April 2020
An annual auction of permanent water shares in the Macalister Irrigation District (MID) was conducted online Friday 3 April 2020, through WaterBid.
A total of 92.8 megalitres (ML) high reliability water shares and 48.5 ML low reliability water shares were offered across 15 lots, all with allocation.
Buyers were predominantly dairy, beef and fodder businesses in the MID.
- Winning bids ranged from $2,672.50 to $2,805 per megalitre for the high and low reliability bundled lots, with an average of $2,734.44 per megalitre.
- The lots comprising only high reliability shares sold between $2,555 to $2,658.92 per megalitre, with an average of $2621.28 per megalitre.
Based on the results for the day the market is valuing low reliability water shares at an average of $113 per megalitre.
Dilwyn aquifer allocation auction - December 2019
An auction of section 51 licences for a total allocation of 5,000 ML from the Dilwyn (deep) aquifer, near Warrnambool, were offered to registered bidders over the period from Tuesday 3 December 2019 to Wednesday 11 December 2019. The 15 lots offered ranged in size from 200ML to 500ML. The auction was open for seven days and all lots were passed in after a total of 74 bids were placed, failing to meet the reserve.
Tarwin River winterfill auction - June 2019
An auction of Section 51 take and use licences for Tarwin River winterfill was completed 26-27 June. A total volume of 2,495ML was sold in 38 lots, ranging from 200ML to 5ML. All lots had multiple bidders, with some receiving over 40 bids. Prices ranged from $675 to $1,784 per ML. The average price was $1,494 per ML.
Latrobe River auction - May 2019
A further auction of temporary water from the Blue Rock Drought Reserve was made available for auction to customers on the Latrobe River system. The auction offered 285 ML in 8 lots ranging in size from 10ML to 50 ML. Three lots totalling 200ML sold at auction, with one further lot of 50ML sold off-the-shelf. The water sold for an average of $31 per megalitre.
Bacchus Marsh and Werribee Irrigation District auction - May 2019
An auction for 230 megalitres (ML) of high reliability and 115 ML of low reliability water shares in the Bacchus Marsh and Werribee Irrigation Districts was conducted online between Tuesday 14 and Thursday 16 May 2019. The lots were offered as: 26 lots of 5ML of HRWS with 2.5ML LRWS; and 5 lots of 20ML of HRWS with 10ML LRWS. At the completion of the auction:
- 26 lots were sold, ranging in size from 5ML high-reliability with 2.5 low-reliability water shares, to 20ML high reliability with 10ML low reliability water shares.
- The results ranged between $1,000 and $1,405 per high and low combined megalitre.
- 5 lots did not meet the reserve and were passed in.
Latrobe River auction - April 2019
A further auction of temporary water from the Blue Rock Dought Reserve was made available for auction to customers on the Latrobe River system. The auction offered 900 ML in 14 lots ranging in size from 10ML to 150 ML. The water sold for an average of $55.57 per megalitre.
Latrobe River auction - February 2019
In response to drought conditions, temporary water from the Blue Rock Dought Reserve was made available for auction to customers on the Latrobe River system. The auction offered 900 ML in 12 lots ranging in size from 25ML to 100 ML. The water sold for an average of $87.42 per megalitre.
MID Permanent water share auction - 20 February 2019
The auction for 269 megalitres (ML) of permanent water shares in the Macalister Irrigation District was completed 19 Feb at Southern Rural Water’s office in Johnson Street, Maffra.
The lots were offered as high and low reliability bundles. There were successful bidders from dairy, beef and fodder enterprises in the district.
- Prices ranged from a high of $2,200 per ML to $1,850 per ML
- The average was $2,035 per ML