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Barwon Downs: Boundary Creek and Big Swamp

Boundary Creek Big Swamp and surrounding Environment Remediation and Environmental Protection Plan

In September 2018, Southern Rural Water as delegate for the Minister for Water issued a Section 78 Ministerial Notice (s78). The legally enforceable Notice required the development and implementation of a remediation and environmental protection plan (Remediation Plan) for Boundary Creek, Big Swamp and surrounding environments impacted by past groundwater pumping.

On 28 February 2020, the plan was accepted by Southern Rural Water and since March 2020, Barwon Water has progressed the implementation of the plan including the preparation and submission of quarterly and annual reports to Southern Rural Water.

Southern Rural Water is responsible for regulating the actions with the Remediation Plan. To support us we engage with the community via a Community Leaders Group and receive independent expert advice from an Independent Technical Review Panel.

In September 2024 Southern Rural Water accepted the Remediation and Environmental Protection Plan as submitted by Barwon Water. This plan is subject to a 5 year external review to determine the effectiveness of the plan, relevance of success targets and inform the path forward.

All documentation including the Remediation Plan and supporting documents, quarterly and annual reports, technical reports and historic reports, can be found at Barwon Water’s community engagement microsite Barwon Water Boundary Creek.