What is SRW's ABN?
ABN is 70 801 473 421
Is there GST on my water charges?
No. There are no GST charges on any SRW fees.
Is interest charged on payment plans?
See our Price and Forms page for information on Account management fees.
Bores and Groundwater
How do I find out about my bore water sample results?
Call ALS on (03) 8756 8000.
They are the company that tests the water when your bore is first drilled.
There is groundwater under my house, what do I do?
When we have a lot of rain, or even a flood, the ground will often stay saturated for a while. Sometimes, groundwater tables rise so high they pool above the surface. If you don’t have appropriate drainage, this water will stay in the same place.
The only solution is surface draining or sump-pumping. For further information, contact us and ask for your local field officer.
Do I need a licence if I intend to use bore water for hydro power?
Yes, you do. You will need to contact us and ask to speak with your region’s assessment officer.
Caps do not apply to this type of licence as you are returning the exact amount of water you are taking, so there is no effect on water availability.
Land Title
How do I get a copy of my Land Title?
Please see the Department of Transport and Planning Land Titles webpage for more information.
Are food vans allowed at reservoirs?
SRW does allow food vans at our reservoirs, but you need to:
- get permission from your local shire
- put your proposal in writing to SRW
before we make a decision.
For more information, please contact us.
What else can I do at SRW's reservoirs?
Each of Southern Rural Water’s storages has different rules and regulations. For more information, see our storage pages.