Southern Rural Water has a number of acts, regulations and policies that may be of interest to the public.
The Act states that we have the power to make by-laws - special rules published in the Government Gazette which apply within a specific area of Southern Rural Water's responsibility.
Since the Water Act came into operation, we have made two by-laws:
Freedom of Information
You can request access to documents held by Southern Rural Water by applying under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Before making a request, we suggest that you:
- Visit the Victorian Government FOI Website
Making a request
To request for access to document go to our Prices and forms page and select the Freedom of information drop down.
What to include in a request
You need to provide enough information for the documents you seek to be identified. Requests should be specific and as clear as possible.
If you write your request too broadly, access to the documents sought may be refused or you may be charged for documents that you do not intend to receive.
Fees and charges
Include payment for the application fee by:
- Sending a personal or bank cheques, made payable to Southern Rural Water
- Pay by credit card (contact us)
- Ask about waiving the fee if you are on a concession and can provide proof
In addition to the application fee, additional charges may be payable for photocopying, search time and other forms of access. You will be notified if these charges are likely to exceed $50 and asked if you wish to proceed. If the charge is less than $50, we will let you know the final charges after we process your request when we send you our decision.
You can ask for the application fee to be waived if payment of the fee would cause you financial hardship.
What’s exempt:
Some documents are exempt from release, for example if they:
- contain trade secrets;
- may affect legal proceedings;
- affect personal privacy; and
- have been submitted to State Cabinet.
In most cases Southern Rural Water is required to provide you with a response within 30 day after receiving a valid request. If your request is unclear you may be asked to resubmit it so the documents you wish to access can be identified. If a decision is made to deny access to part or all of the documents sought, you will be provided with reasons and notified how a review of the decision may be sought.
Further information
Contact the Freedom of Information Officer by telephone on 1300 139 510 or by email
Part II statement
Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires the Freedom of Information (FOI) Commissioner to publish a range of information about our organisation, its functions and procedures, the types of documents we keep, reports and publications, and FOI arrangements.
This information is provided below. Information about our organisation and functions can be found on our website and our Annual Report. To locate the specific information you require, please view the site map for this site or utilise the search functions provided.
Statement 1 - Organisation and function
For information with respect to Southern Rural Water, its functions and organisation structure please refer to our website
The organisation creates a large number of documents and records in the course of its work. The department uses an electronic document and records management system to classify, store, access and manage a broad range of electronic and hard copy documents.
Statement 2 - Categories of documents
We create a range of documents, including:
- policy, procedures and standards;
- briefings and reports;
- registers;
- correspondence;
- applications and licences;
- meeting records;
- financial records; and
- audio-visual material.
Document categories
Our documents are organised under the following broad categories:
- assets;
- communications;
- corporate;
- customer service;
- distribution assets;
- environmental;
- finance;
- groundwater;
- information services;
- information technology;
- irrigation;
- meetings;
- property service;
- risk management;
- rivers; and
- water resource management.
The above examples are not an exhaustive list and provide a snapshot of information available.
Statement 3 - Freedom of information arrangements
Under the FOI Act, you have a right to request information and access documents about your personal affairs and in certain cases, our activities.
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests must be lodged in writing to the relevant agency in possession of the documents. Request for documents in possession of Southern Rural Water should be made to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Southern Rural Water
PO Box 153
MAFFRA VIC 3860Further information about making a request for access to documents is available above.
Statement 4 - Publications
Publications of Southern Rural Water can be accessed and downloaded from our website. These include:
- Rural Water Outlooks
If you are interested in a specific topic:
- conduct a full search of our websites; or
- write to:
Manager Business Services
Southern Rural Water
PO Box 153
Maffra Vic 3860
Statement 5 - Rules, policies and procedures
Our office also has a range of policies and procedures to govern its daily operations and support the administrative functions of the FOI Commissioner. These include:
See policies at Acts, Regulations and Policies
- Asset Management Policy
- Allocation Trading Policy
- Circumstance under which a Groundwater Licence Fee is not charged for Dewatering Policy
- Compliance Policy
- Dam Safety Management Policy
- Disclosure of Water Market Information
- Environmental Policy
- Financial Governance Policy
- Fraud Prevention Policy
- Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy
- Interstate and Overseas Travel Policy
- Managing the Thomson Bulk Entitlement
- Motor Vehicle Policy
- OHS Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Public Consultation on Applications
- Raw Drinking Water Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Voluntary Irrigation Supply System Rationalisation Policy
- Water Trading by Directors Employees and Related Parties
- Sale of unallocated water in unregulated system policy
- Conflict of interest
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Traditional Owners Policy
See Gift Register at Acts, Regulations and Policies
- Gift Register
See By-Laws at Acts, Regulations and Policies
- By-Law – Irrigation Period 2011
- By-Law – Recreational Areas
Rules and Plans
Our team regularly reviews all of our policies and procedures.
If you are searching for a specific topic, more thorough results may be obtained by conducting a full search of our website or by contacting us directly.
Statement 6 - Report literature
This section illustrates examples of where Southern Rural Water publishes final reports and records of decisions relating to policy.
These include:
- Corporate Plan
- Annual Reports Corporate
- Annual Reports Other
- Visit the Victorian Government FOI Website
Health & Safety Policy
The health, safety and welfare of our staff, contractors, visitors and community is our top priority. We will provide a safe and healthy working environment.
We maintain effective safety systems, and continually review the way we work to find and apply safer practices. All incidents can be prevented, and we aim for an incident free and zero harm workplace.
We will meet our legislative responsibilities and achieve good industry practice.
We work together to understand our risks and:
- Eliminate them where possible, or
- reduce them through management actions.
Each of us is responsible for safety.
Planning Permit Applications
Overview of our roles in the planning permit application process
Southern Rural Water are a referral authority in planning schemes in Victoria and are referred planning permit applications in accordance with Section 55 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
Victorian councils also provide Southern Rural Water with notices of planning permit applications under Section 52 the Act and Southern Rural Water can provide comments in response to these notices.
Southern Rural Water also respond to referrals under Section 8 of the Subdivision Act 1988 sent by Victorian councils.
Time to Respond
Southern Rural Water have 28 days to respond to a referral sent under Section 55 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Act) and 14 days to respond to a notice sent under Section 52 of the Act. For subdivision referrals, Southern Rural Water must respond within 35 days of receiving the referral from council.
Contacting us
Planning permit and subdivision applications are managed by the relevant council and council is the primary contact for all matters relating to these applications. This includes seeking advice or clarification on conditions of a planning permit that have been requested Southern Rural Water. It may be appropriate to contact Southern Rural Water in the event that Southern Rural Water have objected to your application and you wish to discuss addressing the concerns of Southern Rural Water. Please email quoting the application number and attention this email to the Planning and Referrals Lead.
Section 55 – Referral Authority
Southern Rural Water provide responses to planning permit applications referred to us from councils under section 55 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Each council has its own Planning Scheme and this instructs councils to when an application must be referred to Southern Rural Water through the various sub-clauses to Clause 66.
Southern Rural Water may ask for the inclusion of conditions on a planning permit, should the council decide to issue the planning permit. A permit holder should first direct any questions regarding a condition requested by Southern Rural Water to the relevant council. The council may then contact Southern Rural Water to discuss the matter further. It is the responsibility of the relevant council to administer and enforce conditions on a planning permit and it is the responsibility of the permit holder to adhere to planning permit conditions.
Southern Rural Water also has the power to object to a planning permit application and the council must issue a refusal notice if any referral authority objects to the application. In a situation where Southern Rural Water object to the application, the permit applicant should contact Southern Rural Water to discuss the objection to the application.
Section 52 – Notice of Planning Permit Application
Councils can also give notice of a planning permit application to Southern Rural Water under Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The relevant planning scheme and in particular Clause 66.06 gives direction about when this should occur. Section 52 notices are also given in situation where Southern Rural Water own or manage land adjoining or in close proximity of a site subject to the planning permit application. Councils are obligated to consider any comments provided by Southern Rural Water. However, unlike a Section 55 referral, it is not mandatory for councils to include any conditions requested by Southern Rural Water.
Southern Rural Water also plays a role in the certification of plans of subdivision and the issuing of statement of compliance, all carried out by the relevant council. A council will refer a subdivision plan under Section 8 of the Subdivision Act 1988 to Southern Rural Water seeking comments on whether the plan of subdivision should be certified and a statement of compliance be issued. Southern Rural Water can respond in three ways detailed below:
- Consent to certification and issuing of statement of compliance.
- Consent to certification but object to the issuing of statement of compliance. In this instance, there will be conditions imposed by Southern Rural Water that must be satisfied prior to Southern Rural Water consenting to the issuing of the statement of compliance.
- Object to the certification and issuing of statement of compliance.
Register of Planning Permit Application Referrals
In accordance with Section 56A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, Southern Rural Water keep a register of all planning permit applications referred to Southern Rural Water. A copy of this register can be provided by emailing and attention this email to the Planning and Referrals Lead.
Asset management
Circumstances when a S51 Licence Fee is not charged
Conflict of interest
Dam Safety Management
Disclosure of water market information
Diversity and inclusion
Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace Policy
Executive remuneration
Family violence
Financial governance
Fraud and corruption control
Gifts benefits and hospitality
Management of confidential water market information and water trading by employees
Managing the SRW Thomson Bulk Entitlement Policy
Motor vehicles
Public consultation on applications
Raw water
Risk management
Traditional Owners policy
Water level management in Lake Glenmaggie
Water sales
Our procurement framework is underpinned by high standards of probity, accountability, and flexibility, with a focus on:
Organisational procurement objectives No. Procurement objective Objective 1 Comply: Compliance with Victorian government procurement requirements Excellence 2 Value: Value for money procurement outcomes occur for both individual purchases as well as at a program scale. Customer Value 3 Social: Utilise procurement to support suppliers from disadvantaged sectors and the regional areas serviced by SRW operations. Community value 4 Administrative efficiency: Procurement governance over-sight and support which aligns to the size, nature and risk profile of SRW. Efficient systems Procurement services
Procurement at Southern Rural Water covers a broad range of portfolios including asset maintenance, construction materials and works, fleet and plant, Information Services, property and leasing and more.
Victorian Government legislation
Relevant Acts and policy include, but is not limited to:
- Audit Act 1994 & Audit (Public Bodies) Regulations 2015
- Ministerial Direction for Public Construction Procurement in Victoria (Effective Date 1 July 2018)
- Local Jobs First Policy
- Financial Management Act 1994
- Water Act 1989
- Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
- Victorian Government Supplier Code of Conduct
- Project Development and Construction Management Act 1994 (Public Construction Procurement)
Commonwealth Government legislation
Commonwealth funded building and construction project activities must comply with:
- Commonwealth Building Code 2013 (Code)
- Building Code 2013 – Supporting Guidelines for Commonwealth Funding Entities (Guidelines).
Activity plan
Southern Rural Water’s planned procurement activity is summarised in the following document.
Annual Procurement Activity Plan 2022-23 (pdf)
All planned procurement are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in the plan is provided for planning purposes only. The plan does not represent a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by Southern Rural Water.
All current Southern Rural Water tenders can be viewed on SRW’s e-procurement portal:
Complaints management
To lodge a complaint regarding an aspect of the Southern Rural Water procurement process, write to:
Chief Procurement Officer
Southern Rural Water
PO Box 153
MAFFRA, Victoria, Australia, 3860Or email the Chief Procurement Officer at
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012
On 10 February 2013, the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 replaced the Protected Disclosures Act 2012.
The new law enables people to make disclosures about improper conduct within the public sector without fear of reprisal.
Southern Rural Water does not tolerate improper conduct. Neither does it tolerate reprisals being taken against those who come forward to disclose such improper conduct.
Compliance with the Pubic Interest Disclosure Act 2012
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 enables people to make disclosures about improper conduct by public officers and public bodies. The Act aims to ensure openness and accountability by encouraging people to make disclosures and protecting them when they do.
What is a ‘Public interest disclosure’?
A public interest disclosure is a complaint of corrupt or improper conduct by a public officer or a public body.
SRW is a “public body” for the purposes of the Act.
What is ‘improper or corrupt conduct’?
Improper or corrupt conduct involves substantial:
- mismanagement of public resources; or
- risk to public health or safety or the environment; or
- corruption.
The conduct must be criminal in nature or a matter for which an officer could be dismissed.
How do I make a ‘public interest disclosure’?
You can make a public interest disclosure about SRW or its board members, officers or employees by contacting IBAC on the contact details provided below.
Please note that SRW is not able to receive public interest disclosures.
How can I access SRW’s procedures for the protection of persons from detrimental action?SRW has established procedures for the protection of persons from detrimental action in reprisal for making a public interest disclosure about SRW or its employees. You can access SRW’s procedures on this website.
Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) Victoria
Address: Level 1, North Tower, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000.
Mail: IBAC, GPO Box 24234, Melbourne Victoria 3001
Phone: 1300 735 135Make your disclosure to:
The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
Telephone – 1300 735 135
GPO Box 24234
Melbourne VIC 3000More information
The Protected Disclosure Coordinator for Southern Rural Water is the Manager Human Resources
Telephone – (03) 5139 3171
PO Box 153
Maffra VIC 3860
Statement of Obligations
This statement sets out a broad range of obligations and guiding principles applicable to all water corporations. It revokes and replaces all previous statements of obligations made and issued to a water corporation under s. 4I of the Water Industry Act 1994, with the exception of the Statement of Obligations (System Management) issued by the Minister for Water on 16 January 2015.
Water Act 1989
Water Act
The Water Act 1989 (Vic) provides the legal framework for managing Victoria’s water resources. It is available online at the Victorian Law Today Library.
The main purpose of the Water Act is to:
- promote the equitable and efficient use of our water resources
- make sure our water resources are conserved and properly managed for the benefit of all Victorians
- increase community involvement in conserving and managing our water resources