Macalister Irrigation District and some groundwater customers can trade on this platform.
Groundwater and Rivers
Groundwater licence holders in southern Victoria can buy and sell temporary or permanent water entitlement at our online groundwater trade room.
If you're a surface water licence holder who wants to buy and sell water please visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SRWgroundwaterandrivers
Groundwater trade room
The new groundwater trade room provides an easier way for buyers and sellers in southern Victoria to connect and transparently and securely trade to free up available water for productive use.
The trade room was successfully trialled with customers in south west Victoria before being rolled out across the rest of our service area.
The trade platform will also provide public access to historic trade price data, enabling potential buyers and sellers to make better informed decisions about the groundwater market rates.
Eligible customers must register on the Southern Rural Water Exchange platform to be able to trade by visiting: www.srwexchange.waterpartners.org.au
The Southern Rural Water Exchange trading platform is a provided through community-owned, not-for-profit water trading organisation called Water Partners.
What is Southern Rural Water’s relationship with Water Partners?
Southern Rural Water and Water Partners has teamed up to deliver online water trading services through the Southern Rural Water Exchange platform. Water Partners operate the platform and provide support services to users and Southern Rural Water. The groundwater trade room is a new addition to the platform.
Who can trade in the groundwater trade room?
The groundwater trade room is open to licenced groundwater customers with an allocation bank account (ABA) in southern Victoria.
Eligible customers must register on the Water Exchange platform to be able to trade.
Visit Southern Rural Water Exchange to register: www.srwexchange.waterpartners.org.au
Why have you built a groundwater trade room?
Recent research we conducted on overcoming barriers to trade in south west Victoria clearly shows customers want an easier and more transparent way to trade groundwater.
The groundwater trade room is a new feature on our existing successful Southern Rural Water Exchange platform.
Our Macalister Irrigation District customers have been using Southern Rural Water Exchange to successfully trade online since August 2023.
How does the groundwater trade room work?
The groundwater trade room will allow licenced customers to trade groundwater in defined groundwater management areas across southern Victoria.
The online buying and selling process is underpinned by a trade matrix based on transfer rules and requirements of the Water Act 1989, Sustainable Water Strategy, Groundwater Management Units and Local Management Plans.
Visit our groundwater information page and map to find out more about groundwater management rules and requirements across southern Victoria.
How does buying and selling work?
When a buy or sell offer is lodged a platform administrator will insert the relevant trading requirements of the counterparty.
The trading requirements will be listed in the offer to be considered by the potential counter party before they accept the offer.
The online buying and selling process is underpinned by a trade matrix based on transfer rules and requirements of the Water Act 1989, Sustainable Water Strategy, Groundwater Management Units and Local Management Plans.
Groundwater Management Units exist to ensure the aquifer is managed sustainably by defining areas with caps on allocation and rules that relate to transfers and pumping restrictions. Local Management Plans explain how these caps, rules and restrictions apply.
When a buy or sell offer is accepted the party accepting the offer will be prompted to check the trading credentials before accepting the offer.
If accepted, the trade will then progress to a pending trade. Southern Rural Water will then be referred the details of the offer to make an initial assessment before an application form is issued to buyer to complete along with any applicable technical assessment requests.
Once the application form is counter signed by the seller and assessed by Southern Rural Water the trade will either progress via Southern Rural Water’s approval to Water Partners for trade to proceed, or if the application form is denied, the trade will be cancelled and the buy or sell offer can be reposted.
If a pending trade requires further conditions to be met, the trade will remain pending until it is resolved.
How much does it cost to trade?
Trades will be subject to terms and conditions. More information is available on the Southern Rural Water Exchange website.
Will trade fees be reimbursed for unsuccessful trades?
A deposit will be taken once the trade has been matched. The deposit is equal to 10 percent of the agreed sale price plus the application fee.
If the trade is unsuccessful due to an unsuccessful application, the application fee portion of the deposit is non-refundable whilst the balance of the deposit taken for the sale price will be refunded.
The buyer and seller commissions are only due once the trade has successfully been approved.
Can temporary or permanent water entitlement be traded?
Groundwater licence holders and buyers can trade temporary or permanent water entitlement on the Southern Rural Water Exchange platform.
How long will it take for a trade to be approved?
When we receive an application form as part of a trade, one of Southern Rural Water’s qualified assessment officers will assess it.
First, we will review it to ensure it contains everything we need to assess your proposal. If it doesn’t, we will contact you.
We need to consider several things including impacts on current users and nearby waterways, local and government policies, irrigation guidelines (if they apply) and items under section 40 of the Water Act 1989.
For simple applications, the process may take a few weeks or up to 12 months for more complex ones.
More information on the application process can be found on Southern Rural Water’s on our groundwater page.
Can unsuccessful applications submitted through the trade platform be appealed?
No matter what we decide, anyone can lodge an appeal to Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal within 28 days of the decision being made. Because of this, we delay sending you the final documents until the appeal period has passed.
Macalister Irrigation District
Customers in the Macalister Irrigation District can use the Southern Rural Water Exchange online trade platform to trade allocation and water shares in the district. This platform also serves as a host for water auctions. Eligible customers must register to use this service.
We’re working on expanding the platform to customers in other irrigation districts. In the meantime, if you are a Werribee or Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District customer, please use one of Facebook trading groups below.
For more information on water trading in the MID download our factsheet.
Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District
To buy and sell water, please visit our Facebook page.
Trading applications must be submitted to Southern Rural Water and approval granted before water is taken. A water transfer application form can be downloaded from our forms page.
To check if a buyer or seller can trade with you, call us on 1300 139 510 and ask to speak to an Assessment Officer.
Werribee Irrigation District
To buy and sell water, please visit our Facebook page.
Trading applications must be submitted to Southern Rural Water and approval granted before water is taken. A water transfer application form can be downloaded from our forms page.
To check if a buyer or seller can trade with you, call us on 1300 139 510 and ask to speak to an Assessment Officer.
Research to support water trade
Limestone Aquifer Trading Project
The Southwest Limestone Aquifer Trading Project was developed to help groundwater users and potential investors understand the water opportunities available and encourage easier trades in southwest Victoria.
The project involved desk-based and primary research to understand the current landscape, knowledge gaps and real-life challenges and potential solutions for trade through surveying and interviewing groundwater users and agricultural stakeholders.
Four recommendations emerged from this study: reduce complexity, increase customer service support, build awareness on resource availability and supporting trade transparency. We are implementing actions across all these recommendations.
A full summary of the report is available here.
Macalister Water Market Transparency
The Water Market Transparency project was an initiative undertaken to better understand the barriers to water trade in the Macalister Irrigation Area.
The project aimed to understand the barriers to trade in the Macalister Irrigation District and find solutions that would encourage more productive use of water through trade.
The project involved extensive customer consultation and result in us collaborating with Water Partners to deliver a successful online trading platform.
This project was financially supported by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.
A full summary of the report is available here.