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Lake Glenmaggie

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Blue lake with trees on either side
Boating Restrictions

Lake Glenmaggie’s speed restrictions are now in place. For more information on boating restrictions, see the boating restriction map.

The lake is an annual storage which provides water for farmers throughout the Macalister Irrigation District. This means that the lake fills and empties most years.

Hours of operation

The Lake Glenmaggie Dam Wall recreational area is open from 8.00am and closed at 8.00pm daily.

Facilities and what we do

Lake Glenmaggie is popular for boating, fishing, swimming and picnics. Camping is available at the privately operated Lake Glenmaggie Caravan Park.

Facilities at our two main recreation areas, the dam wall and Sandy Point, include:

Recreational facilities – dam wall


Please note: There is no public access for any activity beyond the barrier near the weir wall.

Recreational facilities – Sandy Point


Request to hold events

From time to time, people wish to hold events at our recreational facilities including festivals, birthday parties and weddings. We cannot close our recreational facilities for private events and you cannot book sites. 

You must have permission to hold any organised entertainment, rally, boating event or regatta, festival, public meeting, training class or demonstration, wedding or similar ceremony, or private functions for 30 or more people.

To obtain permission to hold an event, please review our Event application guidelines and email all required information to

Not permitted

While visiting our facilities you are not permitted to:

  • camp or stay overnight
  • have fires or fire pits
  • leave rubbish - all our sites are carry in carry out zones
  • reserve any picnic areas
  • drive or ride motorbikes along the shoreline or in fenced areas
  • enter prohibited areas
  • vandalise the facilities
  • hunt, carry or discharge a firearm
  • ride or walk horses anywhere, including in the water.
  • use the park or picnic areas outside of opening hours
  • undertake any dangerous activities including
    abseiling, paraflying, shooting and archery.
Shore of a lake
Lake Glenmaggie boating rules

Open PDF 673.78 KB
  • Lake Glenmaggie visitors guide

    Recreational facilities – Dam Wall
    Recreational facilities – Sandy Point

    Certain activities are prohibited at our reservoirs and recreational areas to protect water quality and the environment. These include stalls and markets, horse riding, abseiling, shooting, archery, paraflying, construction of jetties / pontoons and aircraft landing on the water without written permission.

    There is no entry fee into Glenmaggie Reservoir. Picnic areas cannot be reserved.

    All of our recreational facilities including Glenmaggie Reservoir have a carry-in carry-out policy, meaning any litter you bring with you must be taken home with you.

    All native animals and plants are protected by law.

    Visitor conduct

    For the safety and comfort of all visitors, please:

    • consider your fellow guests and keep noise to a minimum
    • obey all signs and notices
    • comply with directions of SRW officers and security personnel
    • keep picnic areas and BBQs clean
    • keep within the speed limits
    • use toilet facilities provided.

    Fires prohibited
    As part of its commitment to adopting the best environmental practices, SRW prohibits fires at all of its recreational areas at all times

  • Restrictions and maps
