Melton Reservoir, located to the west of Melbourne near the township of Melton, is a popular area for passive recreation. The reservoir provides water for farmers throughout the Werribee Irrigation District. This means that levels can change throughout the year.
The Melton Recreational Reserve picnic area is open to the public. Facilities include a playground and toilets.
Land-based fishing is permitted anywhere on the reservoir shoreline accessed via Clarkes Road or Waterford Estate.
Powered boating south of the railway bridge is under the control of the Melbourne Runabout and Speedboat Club.
Non-powered craft can access the reservoir from Clarkes Road, however they must remain north of the railway bridge.
Visitors are reminded to practice good hygiene, and follow current rules for physical distancing and maximum group sizes.
Please remember that powered boating is restricted to the members of the Melton Runabout and Speedboat Club. Non-powered craft are permitted on the water north of the Train Bridge.
Not permitted
While visiting our facilities you are not permitted to:
- swim
- camp
- light fires
- vandalise
- reserve picnic areas
- enter prohibited areas
- hunt, carry or discharge a firearm
- ride or walk horses anywhere, including in the water
- ride motorbikes along the shoreline or in fenced areas
- leave rubbish (all sites are carry in carry out zones)
- undertake any dangerous activities including abseiling, paraflying, shooting and archery
- attend outside of opening hours
See also Melton Reservoir prohibited areas
Request to hold events
From time to time, people wish to hold events at our recreational facilities including festivals, birthday parties and weddings. We cannot close our recreational facilities for private events and you cannot book sites.
You must have permission to hold any organised entertainment, rally, boating event or regatta, festival, public meeting, training class or demonstration, wedding or similar ceremony, or private functions for 30 or more people.
To obtain permission to hold an event, please review our Event application guidelines and email all required information to
Melton Reservoir boating
Melton Reservoir has a large number of snags and for safety reasons, no boating is allowed other than under the control of the Melbourne Runabout and Speedboat Club.
Melton Reservoir (also known as Exford Weir) is located on the Werribee River approximately 6kms south of Melton – VicRoads Reference Map 97 G4.