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Boating, fishing, picnic and camping

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Get into the great outdoors 

Spending time in the great outdoors is a wonderful way to enjoy quality time with friends and family. In fact, research shows spending time in nature can lower your stress levels, reduce your blood pressure and boost your mood.  

We have several storage facilities where you can relax and take part in outdoor activities that allow you to get closer to nature. Here’s what’s on offer

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Southern Rural Water has a number of storages where people can use boats and non-powered craft.

Storage Power boating Non-powered boats Including Canoes and Kayaks Boat Ramp Locations
Lake Glenmaggie Yes Yes Kelly Cove, Lake Glenmaggie Caravan Park, Stuckeys Point, Glenmaggie and District Boat Club, Sandy Point
Blue Rock Lake Yes, with speed restrictions. Yes Old Tanjil Road, Spillway Road
Cowwarr Weir No Yes None
Lake Narracan Note: recreation on Lake Narracan is managed by the Latrobe City Council.    
Melton Reservoir Limited to members of the Melbourne Runabout and Speedboat Club Only north of the railway bridge, accessed from Clarkes’ Road. (Melbourne Runabout and Speedboat Club for MRSC members only)
Merrimu Reservoir No No None
Pykes Creek Reservoir Yes. Note there can be restrictions on number of vessels when water is low. Yes Pykes Creek Road


Staying safe in the great outdoors 

We want everyone to stay safe and have a great time at our storages. So, please follow the regulations and these simple steps to ensure everyone comes home safe and sound. 

  • Recreational regulations
    • Always supervise kids and play it safe by the water.
    • Follow the waterway safety regulations. 
    • Don’t swim in irrigation channels. 
    • Follow safety signage at our storages – it’s there to stop you getting hurt.  
    • Don’t jump or dive into the water because you don’t know what’s beneath. 
    • Take your rubbish home with you. 
    • Always check the weather and bushfire conditions before you make a trip 
    • Download the Vic Emergency app to stay updated on bushfire information
  • Safe boating

    Southern Rural Water is keen for all visitors to enjoy a safe boating experience. Many of our storages are regularly patrolled. Ensure you stick to the safety rules for boating, including:

    • Boating is not permitted near our dam walls.
    • On Victorian inland waters a 5-knot speed limit applies to boat operators and PWC operators within 50m of the water’s edge, 50m of any fixed or floating structure in or on the water, and 50m of swimmers.
    • Don’t drink and boat.
    • Maintain a good lookout and operate at a safe speed. Remember that lower water levels often reveal snags and obstacles.
    • Ensure you have sufficient skills, experience and number of crew on board for the vessel and conditions prevailing and forecast.
    • Ensure you have the right safety equipment for all persons on-board including correctly fitted personal flotation devices.
    • Wear the appropriate personal flotation device for your vessel type when in an open area of a recreational vessel that is underway.
    • All masters operating a powered recreational vessel on Victorian waters require a marine licence and must carry it at all times.
    • The Marine Safety Act requires the owner of a recreational powered vessel (one equipped with an engine that is capable of being used for propulsion) to register the vessel.
    • Carry the minimum safety equipment required for your class of vessel under the Marine Safety Act.
    • A person must not operate a recreational vessel (including jetskis) or hire and drive vessel at a speed or in a manner which is dangerous to the public, birds and marine animals.

    More Information

    For more information about the rules at particular waterways, visit Transport Safety Victoria’s interactive waterway map.

    For further information on The Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic) or boating in Waterways click here.


Fishing is a popular activity at many of our storages, both from boats and kayaks and from land. Blue Rock Lake, in particular, is known as one of Victoria’s premier fisheries for Australian Bass. Before heading out, make sure you have a current Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL). Unless you are exempt, an RFL is required when taking, or attempting to take, any species of fish by any method including line fishing, bait collection, gathering shellfish, yabby fishing, prawning and spearfishing. For more information, or to obtain a RFL, visit Fisheries Victoria.

Where can I fish?

Storage Fishing allowed?
Lake Glenmaggie Yes
Blue Rock Lake Yes
Cowwarr Weir Yes
Lake Narracan Recreation at Lake Narracan is managed by Latrobe City Council
Melton Reservoir Yes
Merrimu Reservoir No
Pykes Creek Reservoir Yes


Picnic areas

There’s nothing better than a picnic on a beautiful day. Southern Rural Water has picnic facilities available at a number of storages. All of our recreation facilities have a carry in – carry out policy. Please take home your litter. Dogs must be on a lead at all times.

Where can I picnic?

Storage Picnic areas
Lake Glenmaggie Dam wall and Sandy Point
Blue Rock Lake Old Tanjil Road and Spillway Road
Cowwarr Weir Main area
Lake Narracan Recreation is managed by the Latrobe City Council
Melton Reservoir Exford Road picnic area
Merrimu Reservoir Main area
Pykes Creek Reservoir Main area


Camping and caravanning

Camping and caravan overnight stays are not permitted at our recreational storages, including areas around Lake Glenmaggie, Blue Rock Lake, Cowwarr Weir, Pykes Creek Reservoir, Melton Reservoir and Merrimu Reservoir.

Lake Glenmaggie Caravan Park (privately owned) takes bookings. Please check with the operator.