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Prices and forms

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  • Accounts, billing, and payments

    Access account 

    Authorise a person to act on your behalf


    Change address

    Update your contact details including, address, email and phone numbers.



    Apply for a concession on domestic and stock water.  Click here for more information


    COVID Relief

    If you are a customer who is suffering financial hardship resulting from COVID, you may be eligible for interest to be removed from your account.


    Direct Debit Authority

    Have payments debited from your bank account

  • Bores

    Construct a Domestic & Stock, Investigation, Observation or Monitoring bore

    Apply online and receive copy of licence electronically


    Construct or alter a licensed bore and to take and use groundwater 


    Decommission a bore   

    Apply for a licence to decommission a bore or bores under section 67 of the Water Act 1989


    Online Bore completion reports   

    Online portal to submit Bore completion reports (BCR’s)


    Renew a licence to construct a bore 


    Transfer a bore construction licence

    Transfer a bore construction licence upon sale of land

  • Copy of record/licence

    Copy of record - copy of licence

    Apply here to download a copy of record for an existing take and use licence or registration licence

  • Dams

    By law, many private dams require an Operating License.

    Ministerial Guidelines have created a new class of dam known as “potentially hazardous” dams.   A dam fits into this category based on the following dimensions:

    • 5 metre wall height and a capacity of 50 Megalitres or more; or
    • 10 metre wall height and a capacity of 20 Megalitres or more; or
    • 15 metre wall height and any capacity.
    • Is a dam belonging to a prescribed class of dams meaning one that is potentially hazardous based upon the ANCOLD Guidelines of May 2000. These guidelines determine hazard by considering whether there is potential: a) risk to the population or loss of life; b) loss or damage to third party property; or c) environmental damage.


    The process for assessing and determining Farm Dam Construction applications includes referring your application to other agencies, advertising the proposal, and notifying neighbors. You may also be required to submit an environmental assessment report in support of the application for dams to be located on watercourses or where the waterway has been determined as having high ecological value. Additional costs may apply as a result of this requirement.

    Potentially hazardous farm dams are those that, due to their size and/or location, could pose a threat to life, property, or the environment if they were to fail. This does not necessarily mean that they are expected to fail. If you are unsure of the damage your dam can cause in the event it fails, it is important to have it assessed by a suitably qualified engineer.

    For a dam that is registered as potentially hazardous, you may need to seek the services of a suitably qualified engineer to design your dam and supervise its construction.

    To determine if your proposed dam will be classified as hazardous, please talk to us prior to lodging your application on 1300 139 510.


    Alter or decommission a dam

    Apply to alter or decommission a dam


    Construct and operate private dam

    Apply to take and use water (surface water) and construct and operate works (dam and/or pump)


    Renew you construct & operate works licence 


    Dam Safety Emergency Plan

    Template for procedures the Dam Owner is obligated to take in the case of a Major Event or incident occurring at the dam.

  • Driller’s licence
  • Freedom of Information

    FOI application form

    A request to access documents must be in writing and include payment.

    FOI requests are subject to an application fee which is listed on the form above.  The application fee is subject to an increase on 1 July every year.

    If payment of the application fee would cause you hardship, you can ask for it to be waived by providing evidence, such as a photocopy of your current health care card.

    If paying by cheque or money order, please make payment to Gippsland and Southern Rural Water.

    Under the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014, access charges, which are set by those regulations, may also be applicable.

    This could include charges for search time, supervision, photocopying and other applicable charges.

  • Groundwater

    Impact Tiers

    Class Description
    Low Impact 0-20ML

    Includes: Irrigation and Dairy use 0-20ML

    Excludes all volumes for: Aquaculture, Commercial Nursery, Carwash, Road Construction, Dewatering of Construction sites (see Medium Impact). Feedlots, Pigs or Chickens, Water Bottling, Town Supply, Quarrying, Quarry dewatering, Power Generation, Geothermal (see High Impact).

    Lower impact groundwater applications. No hydro required. No public process or referrals unless a risk assessment is required in accordance with the Guidelines for Groundwater Licensing & Protecting High Value GDE's. Irrigation Drainage Plan required unless considered low impact. Includes class A bores.

    Medium Impact More than 20ML and up to 400ML

    Purpose Includes: Irrigation and Dairy use more than 20ML and up to 400ML; any volume for Aquaculture, Commercial Nursery, Carwash, Road Construction, Dewatering of Construction sites.

    Excludes: Irrigation and Dairy use over 400ML; any volume for Feedlots, Pigs or Chickens, Water Bottling, Town Supply, Quarrying, Quarry dewatering, Power Generation, Geothermal.

    Medium impact groundwater applications. Hydro may be required if bores or GDE's within 1km or other issues identified. Advertising and neighbour notification applies. Referrals apply if a risk assessment is required in accordance with the Guidelines for Groundwater Licensing & Protecting High Value GDE's. Irrigation Drainage Plan required unless considered low impact. Tier 2 applies if use is related to quarries/mines, water bottling, power generation, pigs or chickens, or other sensitive uses. Includes class B bores.

    High Impact More than 400ML

    Includes: Irrigation and Dairy use over 400ML; any volume for Feedlots, Pigs or Chickens, Water Bottling, Town Supply, Quarrying, Quarry dewatering, Power Generation, Geothermal.

    Higher impact groundwater applications. Hydro required. Advertising and neighbour notification applies. Referrals apply if a risk assessment is required in accordance with the Guidelines for Groundwater Licensing & Protecting High Value GDE's. Irrigation Drainage Plan required unless considered low impact.

    Tier 2 applies if use is related to quarries/mines, water bottling, power generation, pigs or chickens, or other sensitive uses. Includes class C & D bores.

    Amalgamate a groundwater licence


    Dispose of matter through means of a bore


    New or amend groundwater licence

    Apply for a new groundwater licence or apply to increase the volume of an existing groundwater licence


    Surrender a groundwater licence 

    • No application fee, outstanding charges must be paid to surrender


    Temporary or permanent water transfer

    Apply to transfer a groundwater licence to another person -not transfer of ownership


    Transfer a groundwater licence -ownership transfer 

    Apply to transfer a groundwater licence on sale of land


    Application to subdivide

    Apply to split an existing groundwater licence

  • Information statement

    Southern Rural Water is the licensing authority for water taken from waterways, farm dams, groundwater bores and irrigation districts in southern Victoria.

    Southern Rural Water does not supply town water (mains/taps) or sewerage (toilets).  For mains and sewerage, you will need to contact the relevant Urban Water Authority.  To find the relevant Water Authority, click here.

    If you are unsure whether to apply for an information statement, it is recommended that you speak to the Vendor to see if they have services with Southern Rural Water or if there are water licences listed in the contract of sale.


    Information Statement application

    Information Statements are also available by applying online at Landata and Dye & Durham

  • Irrigation District

    Irrigation District forms can be lodged electronically either through My Water or at Submit Applications page. Some forms have a unique application number and can only be used once.


    Water Share forms

    Transferring water shares

    Form 1 - Application to Transfer a Water Share

    Annexure to Form 1 -use this if more space is required for signatures on portion transfers

    Form 10 - Application for a Limited Term Transfer

    Water share owner identify check

    Declaration and landowners’ consent


    Other water share applications

    Form 5 - Application to Divide a Water Share

    Form 6 - Application to Consolidate Water Shares

    Form 7 - Application for the Issue of a Water Share

    Form 8 - Application to Cancel a Water Share

    Form 9 - Application to Vary and/or Associate or Revoke the Association of a Water Share


    Linking Multiple Water Shares and/or Water-Use Licences to a Single Allocation Account

    Form 40 - Application to link Multiple Water Shares and/or Water-Use Licences to a Single Allocation Account


    Allocation forms  

    Allocation Trade

    Form 39 - Application to trade water allocation

    Form 39a - Authorise an agent

    Form 39b - Limited Authorisation of an agent


    Relinquishing allocation

    Form 41 - Application to relinquish allocation to reduce carry over volume


    Allocation account management

    Form 43 - Application for a new allocation account

    Form 44 - Application to amend allocation account holders


    Water-use licence/registration applications  

    Form 23 - Application for a Water-Use Licence or a Water-Use Registration

    Form 24 - Application to Vary a Water-Use Licence and/or Water-Use Registration

    Form 25 - Application to Cancel a Water-Use Licence and/or Water-Use Registration


    Linking Multiple Water Shares and/or Water-Use Licences to a Single Allocation Account

    Form 40 - Application to link Multiple Water Shares and/or Water-Use Licences to a Single Allocation Account

    Declaration and landowners’ consent


    Take and use licence applications

    Form 29 - Application for the Issue of a Works Licence (in a declared system)

    Form 31 - Application to Amend, Renew and/or Transfer a Works Licence


    Form 55 - Land and Water Transfer

    Apply to request a land and water transfer


    Abandonment of Metered Outlet

    Request for an abandonment of Metered Outlet


    Give someone permission to order and use water

    Give a person permission to use Waterline for the purpose of ordering water for irrigation use on your property.  This authorisation is for allocation and spill entitlement issued by SRW.


    Private Works application

    Request for approval of private works

    Drainage diversion agreement and private works

    For a new drainage diversion agreement to transfer or renew your existing one please contact us.

  • Rivers and Creeks

    Impact Tiers

    Class Description
    Low Impact 0-10ML Neighbour notification and referrals required but no advertising. Irrigation Drainage Plan required unless considered low impact. Fees include water availability assessment. Includes dams that are not potentially hazardous and with no engineering requirements.
    Medium Impact More than 10ML and up to 200ML Neighbour notification, advertising and referrals required. Irrigation Drainage Plan required unless considered low impact. Fees include water availability assessment. Includes dams with engineering requirements but no peer review.
    High Impact More than 200ML Neighbour notification, advertising and referrals required. Irrigation Drainage Plan required unless considered low impact. Fees include water availability assessment. Includes dams with engineering and peer review. Also includes any dam on a waterway that also requires an s.51 licence.

    If there are sensitive issues surrounding your proposal (these could relate to the application volume, proposed water use and/or property location) you will be asked to pay a higher application fee.


    Amalgamate a surface water licence


    New or amend surface water licence

    Apply for a new surface water licence or apply to increase the volume of an existing surface water licence


    Surrender a surface water licence

    • No application fee, outstanding charges must be paid to surrender


    Temporary or permanent water transfer

    Apply to transfer a surface water licence to another person -not transfer of ownership


    Transfer a surface water licence - ownership transfer

    Apply to transfer a surface water licence on sale of land


    Application to subdivide

    Apply to split an existing surfacewater licence


  • Account management fees

    The rate of interest for 2024-25 is 6.2%. We offer payment plans, which means you will not incur a 6.2% interest charge on overdue payments.

    Payment plans are charged an Account Service Fee which approximates 4.1%, applied at the end of your payment plan if you adhere to the arrangements.

    Any costs associated with our collection process will be passed directly on to the account holder.

  • Groundwater and Rivers fees and charges

    Intensive Management fee

    Intensive management fees apply in areas where the costs incurred by SRW are above the normal costs of managing groundwater or surface water areas.  These costs are usually due to extra monitoring, staff, infrastructure or a combination of these.

  • Irrigation District fees and charges

    High and Low Reliability

    This is an annual fee for your high and low reliability water shares. These fees reflect the costs of operating, maintaining and renewing the reservoirs in which your water shares are harvested and stored.


    This fee reflects the costs of operating, maintaining, renewing and upgrading the delivery systems – channels, pipelines and regulators – that we use to distribute your water. This fee does not apply to river diverters who hold extraction shares (not delivery shares).


    This fee reflects the costs of operating, maintaining, renewing and upgrading the delivery systems – channels, pipelines and regulators – that we use to distribute your water. This fee does not apply to river diverters who hold extraction shares (not delivery shares).  Where outlets are shared by more than one delivery share, the charge is calculated at 80% of the listed fee.

    Metered Pump

    This fee applies to each service point associated with your extraction share and reflect the costs of maintaining your meter. Where outlets are shared by more than one delivery share, the charge is calculated at 80% of the listed fee.


    Where outlets are shared by more than one delivery share, the charge is calculated at 80% of the listed fee.


    Water usage charges are billed in August for each ML of water delivered during the irrigation season – regardless of whether that water was allocated against high or low reliability water shares, or against spill entitlement. This is a variable charge calculated on the amount of water you use each season.


    Water usage charges are billed in August for each ML of water delivered during the irrigation season – regardless of whether that water was allocated against high or low reliability water shares, or against spill entitlement. This is a variable charge calculated on the amount of water you use each season.


    The casual use fee may be charges where usage exceeds your delivery share rate (expressed in ML/per day) – or where no delivery share is held. Casual use charges are not applicable to extraction shares.

    Drainage Diversion

    This fee is for irrigators who hold agreements to divert water from the irrigation drainage system. This is ‘opportunistic’ access to water when available in the drainage system, and no entitlement to water is held. The fee will be charged on the basis of $ per ML outlined in your Drainage Diversion Agreement.

  • Tariff Schedule

    Current tariff schedule

    2024-25 Tariff Schedule



  • What your fees go towards

    Groundwater, rivers and creeks

    All groundwater and surface water licence holders have to pay annual fees to Southern Rural Water.

    So what do those fees go towards?

    We are a not-for-profit organization, so your fees cover our actual costs. The Southern Rural Water Board has a firm policy that fees from one group of customers should not cross-subsidise other groups of customers. For instance, licence holders do not contribute to the running costs of our irrigation districts.

    Your fees and charges cover the cost of managing groundwater and surface water to ensure fair and equitable access for all water users, with the least possible impact on the environment. The cost of providing this service remains the same to Southern Rural Water, no matter how much of your entitlement you are able to access.

    Some of the services covered by your fees include:



    Southern Rural Water monitors water use across the southern half of Victoria, which includes reading your meter at least twice a year. We have field staff spread across our region to service customers and the community.

    Our technical staff also monitor the levels aquifers and rivers. This information helps us to manage groundwater and surface water and identify long term trends or risks


    Sharing water fairly

    There are many ways we work to ensure water is shared fairly.

    Our field staff investigate reasons for sudden or unexpected changes in water levels. Where there is a risk of over-extraction, or if users are unreasonably interfering with each other, we may have to introduce rosters or restrictions.

    We have local rules that outline how rosters and restrictions work at a local level. In most areas we are developing these into Local Management Plans.

    Compliance is a large part of our job. Our field staff work with licence holders to ensure they stick with their licence conditions. We investigate complaints and we take legal action when we find someone taking water illegally. Sometimes this involves going to court.

    Another large part of our business is applications for new licences – but this is paid for by application fees, not by your ongoing fees. We make decisions on applications, considering available resources and effects on other users and the environment. Often this means providing local communities with the chance to have their say on the application.


    Information and advice

    We provide information, help and advice on a range of topics, such as groundwater, surfacewater, bores, dams and water trading.

    Our expert hyrdrogeologists provide technical advice to assist in management of the licensed extraction from aquifers. They may also be called on to provide advice during assessment of applications.

    We provide fact sheetsnewsletters and other forms of communications and engagement to help educate users and the community on sustainable use of groundwater. 

  • How our prices are set

    Our prices are based on the services we provide to our customers, the cost of maintaining existing infrastructure and our investment in new infrastructure.

    We have different prices for different customer groups based on the different services we provide to them and the extent of capital investment in specific areas.

    Our prices are regulated and approved by the Essential Services Commission (ESC). Every five years we must submit a plan (i.e. Price Submission) to the ESC. It outlines our proposed service levels, planned infrastructure investments and our price plan for the next five years.

    We develop our submission in accordance with the ESC’s guidelines and work closely with our customers to understand their needs which are then reflected in our pricing.

    Our current price submission was approved by the ESC in June 2023 and runs through to 30 June 2028

    Determination 2023

    Decision 2023

    Our prices beyond 2027-28 will be subject to a new Price Submission.

    For more information on the Essential Services Commission process and how to get involved click here.

  • Performance Report

    A key aspect of our pricing is the need to monitor whether we are providing the service we promised as part of our Price Submission.

    This is an important part of price setting where the Essential Service Committee, considers our performance both in the past and our aspirations for the future.

    For the period 2023-24 to 2027-28 we have adopted the following Performance Measures:


    Reliable water supply

    What did our customers say?

    Our customers have told us that access to a reliable supply of quality water when it is needed is critical to their business, both now and into the future. Having modern and efficient assets enable us to provide a reliable service, while ensuring that we allocate water within sustainable limits will enable us to provide water security into the future. 

    What outcome we are seeking? 

    Customers have access to reliable water supplies to support their business needs.  


    Great service    

    What did our customers say?

    Our customers have told us of the desire for SRW to be an efficient and cost-effective organisation. They have asked us to focus on our core purpose and to maintain existing standards of service. To provide great service, it is critical that we aim for optimum efficiency, where our people are supported with the right systems, processes, and technology to deliver great service to our customers.

    What outcome we are seeking?

    Customers have access to great service.


    Sustainable water

    What did our customers say? Our customers have told us that access to water is their biggest challenge over the next five years with some expressing concerns about the challenges of drought, climate change and the long-term availability of water. There is going to be the need to balance the economic, social, and environmental values of water in an uncertain future. One of the key ways we can provide greater certainty is to secure untapped resources for our customers and the environment.

    What outcome we are seeking?

    Allocations are managed in a sustainable way for customers, community, and the environment to ensure a secure future.


    Valued community member

    What did our customers say? 

    SRW has strong relationships with its customers and stakeholders. Our customers have told us that they value their relationship with SRW and appreciate our efforts to advocate on their behalf. Stakeholders have also told us that they value our partnerships and the opportunity to work together. While some customers have expressed concern about our involvement in some areas (e.g. climate change, environmental and traditional owners), government and societal expectations are placing greater focus on these areas.

    What outcome we are seeking?

    We deliver value to regional communities through direct action and relationships with Traditional Owners, stakeholders, customers and the general community.


    Fair and reasonable prices

    What did our customers say? 

    Our customers have told us that prices are a concern to them. In fact, this was the number one priority identified by irrigation customers. SRW has maintained a program of limited price increases and in some cases price reductions and freezes. However, we manage an asset portfolio with a replacement cost of approximately $1.85 billion where the current revenue steam leads to a gap in the financial sustainability of the business.

    What’s the outcome we are seeking?

    Prices reflect customer value.


    Our latest performance report is available here

    Current performance report

    Please note, this report is based on the performance measure of our previous pricing period.