We have appointed a consortium of consultants, led by SMEC, to investigate the potential of developing irrigated agriculture in an area east of the Avon River.
This work has started, and the consultants are collating data and undertaking technical work to explore the feasibility of developing irrigation between Bushy Park and Llowalong through the construction of a pipeline and balancing storage and drawing on water savings created through modernisation of the Macalister Irrigation District.
We have established a Customer and Stakeholder Reference Group (CSRG) comprising of irrigators east of the Avon River and in the Macalister Irrigation District , peak bodies, agencies, local government, and traditional owners to support our work.
We held an introductory meeting for the CSRG online on Wednesday, 28 September and an in-person workshop on Wednesday, 9 November.
We believe in genuine engagement and are confident our CSRG can provide the right specialist advice and local knowledge to ensure project outcomes are technically sound.
The Macalister/Avon Irrigation Development Project will be undertaken in several phases. We will engage the CSRG to report on progress and present findings at key milestones, and keep you in the loop, via these newsletters.
The first stage of work will involve undertaking a range of technical assessments that allow us to better understand how much water we could deliver through the current system and the capacity limits.
These works will also investigate functional design for a pipeline network and balancing storage, water savings and losses, channel operation and service impacts, environmental and cultural water considerations, as well as identifying project costs and completing economic analysis.
Following the completion of the technical work, and contingent on the findings, Southern Rural Water will seek to prepare a business case that will focus on Investment Logic Mapping, potential funding models, pricing and tariff structure.
We are aiming to complete the project by mid-2023.
At this stage there is no commitment to undertake the proposed irrigation development.
For further information about this project visit the project page here.