The Minister for Water gives notice under section 27 (4) (a) of the Water Act 1989 of the proposal to abolish the Glenelg Water Supply Protection Area (WSPA).
A statutory management plan has not been developed for the Glenelg WSPA following creation of other management instruments. A statutory management plan is required before permanent trade of groundwater entitlements can be permitted in the area. Abolishing the Glenelg WSPA will allow permanent trade of water entitlement to occur subject to the requirements of Water Act 1989, rules associated with the South Australian/Victorian Border Groundwater Agreement, and rules set out in the Southwest Limestone Aquifer Local Management Plan.
A map of the Glenelg WSPA (reference LGL./04-124) can be found below.
Submissions about the proposed abolition of the Glenelg WSPA are invited. Any submissions should be lodged by Monday, 4 July and addressed:
Proposed abolition of the Glenelg Water Supply Protection Area,
Attention: Bryce Morden
Manager Groundwater & Rivers
Southern Rural Water
PO Box 153, Maffra, Victoria 3860
Or via email
For more information, contact Bryce Morden at Southern Rural Water on 1300 139 510.