Surfacewater and Groundwater applications
Southern Rural Water (SRW) wishes to advise of two (2) surfacewater and one (1) groundwater licence application made by Round Oak Stockman Pty Ltd to support the Stockman Project in the Upper Tambo River Catchment.
The first of the surfacewater applications seeks to increase an existing 15 megalitre (ML) licence to 20ML from Straights Creek. The second surfacewater application is for a new allocation of 80ML from Wilga Weir.
The surfacwater applications replace the need for a proposed 200ML Benambra borefield which was included in the Environmental Effects Statement for the Stockman Project.
I advise that the 2011 Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy put aside 1.5 gigalitres (1,500 ML) of water for allocation on a winterfill basis in the Tambo Catchment. This water is to be allocated on an equitable and transparent basis. It is envisaged that SRW will be calling for Expressions of Interest from interested parties in the Tambo catchment in mid-2022. At that time SRW will place advertisements in local newspapers advising of the process for interested parties to apply to purchase water.
The two (2) Round Oak surfacewater applications will be put aside and will be determined as part of this process at that time.
This groundwater licence application is seeking a new allocation of 110ML for dewatering of the Wilga mine and the yet to be developed Currawong mine during construction and as part of ongoing operations.
The 110 ML groundwater application was exhibited and party to scrutiny and assessment in the Environment Effects Statement produced for the Stockman Project with the Minister recommending approval in October 2014.
Southern Rural Water is committed to an appropriate consultation process to ensure the proper consideration of relevant matters as prescribed by the Water Act 1989 when determining the groundwater application.
We therefore seek comment from any interested person or party that considers that they may be affected by the groundwater application with regards any new matters not considered in the EES panel process in 2014 in regard to the groundwater application.
Submissions on this proposal will be accepted until 4pm on 18 June 2022 and will be taken into account in determining this application.
Please direct enquiries to: Jane Waller on 03 5139 3100
Please direct submissions to:
Southern Rural Water
P.O.Box 153
Maffra 3860
Telephone 5139 3100
Please quote reference: Stockman Pty Ltd
Trevor McDevitt
Manager Applications