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Remembrance Day

11 November 2022 | News
11 November 2022

Today we pause, honour, and remember all Australians who have served in our country’s Defence Forces. 
We caught up with Sally Kneebone our Rostering Service Support Officer to reflect on her time in the Army.  

Sally served for six years between, 1979 and 1985 in the Women’s Royal Australian Army Corp working in the Corp of Signals as a keyboard operator, running the defence force communication system. 

"I was based all over Australia,” Sally said. 

“One of my favourites was my posting to Puckapunyal Communications Centre. It was a two-person operation based within the military policy compound.” 

Sally was also based at Watsonia in Melbourne, and in Brisbane and Rockhampton in Queensland. 

“Remembrance Day, and remembering is very important,” she said. 

“I will take some quiet time to remember all of those who have served this country and those who have given their lives for this country – so that we can live here in peace. 

“To serve is to sign up to do anything to keep this country safe and free.”