Water Act 1989
The Gippsland and Southern Rural Water Corporation (trading as Southern Rural Water) is to auction Surfacewater Licences (Winterfill) from the Mitchell River from 9.00 am, Thursday 7th December 2023, via an online auction on the Southern Rural Water Exchange, which is operated by Water Partners (Aust) on behalf of Southern Rural Water.
As outlined in the 2011 Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy (SWS), a volume of 6,000 ML of winterfill water was put aside for allocation in the Mitchell River catchment. SRW advises that 4,000 ML of the 6,000 ML has already been allocated and the remaining 2,000 ML will now be allocated.
A volume of 2,000 megalitres will be auctioned on this day in 22 lots with full details available upon request. Any unsold shares from the auction will be placed on sale at the completion of the auction and available at a set price (being the highest price obtained at the auction).
Surfacewater licences (winterfill) will be sold to the highest bidder, subject to meeting the reserve price and subject to the conditions specified in this notice and those contained in the registration form.
Successful bidders will be required to sign a contract of sale and pay a 10% deposit. The final balance will be due within 28 days.
Licences may be issued for a period of up to 15 years, after which time they may be renewed in accordance with section 58 of the Water Act 1989.
All water purchased at this auction will be assigned to the Mitchell system and will be subject to any seasonal allocations, supply and/or delivery conditions that may apply across the area.
Those wishing to bid at the auction must have previously submitted an expression of interest with Southern Rural Water.