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Undertaking works this winter

3 June 2024 | News
3 June 2024

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The irrigation off-season marks the start of our winter works program. We’re fixing and improving our network across our region, including starting work on the final stage of the multimillion-dollar infrastructure modernisation project in Werribee’s Irrigation District and delivering several projects in the Macalister Irrigation District. 

Work on Stage 5 of the Werribee Irrigation District Modernisation Project got under way on Monday, 6 May, with construction of 8.3 kilometres of new pipeline, 47 automated outlets and a new regulator.  

Belal Chundoo, Werribee Irrigation District Modernisation Program Lead, said installing a fully automated, piped irrigation system will enable Werribee growers to produce food more efficiently and help to secure their farming futures. 

“It also means irrigation water can be delivered to customers more effectively and there will be fewer delays as an automated system means the end of meter reads,” he said. 

“Water allocations and compliance decisions can also be made in real time, saving time and resources.” 

Pipeline works are being delivered by our construction partner, Jaydo Construction, and will be finished in early Spring. Customer outlets are expected to be fully automated by December 2024 under a separate contract with provider, Rubicon. 

In the eastern part of our service region, Southern Rural Water is undertaking improvements to the irrigation network in the Macalister Irrigation District. 

Matt Weatherall, Macalister Irrigation District Program Lead, said several important projects were to be delivered. 

“A key project is replacing up to 75 manual Dethridge wheels in the district with fully automated slip meters. This will deliver multiple benefits to customers, including service improvements and fewer delays to customer orders,” Matt said. 

“We are undertaking works in Nuntin, including the replacement of an existing 600mm siphon, upgrade of a local road crossing, lining of a road crossing, and the upgrade of four regulators. 

“We will also be replacing four flume gates in the district that will improve system network efficiency and reliability, and are decommissioning the final section of the unused Tinamba channel, which involves removing the remaining concrete structures and filling in the existing channel.” 

All works, minus the Tinamba decommissioning, will take place from mid-May to mid-August during the irrigation off-season.